Saturday, October 16, 2010

Lepidoptera Alpha

My little pet project is ready for use.  All of the functionality necessary for Lepidoptera to be a useful to-do list organizer is complete.  Anyone who wants to experiment is free to use the site.  You may leave feedback here on the blog or send it privately by using the contact form on the site.

The three features I would like to have on the site, but have not yet added are:
  1. Tags.  All items will be taggable.  Lists and comparisons can be filtered by tag.  This would allow you to mix Work and Home items in the same list, but separate them when you want.
  2. Force comparisons.  As of now, the site determines which items should be compared.  It does this in an (artificially) intelligent way, aiming to maximize the information gained with each comparison.  However, the user may want to force certain items into comparisons, and I think this would be a useful feature.
  3. Design.  It looks fine to me, but I know others would prefer something more pleasing to the eye.  There's no reason to spend time picking out the coolest san-serif font and adding color gradient backgrounds just for the heck of it, though.  If I get around to it or get some design help, I'm sure I can clean it up.
These may be implemented in the near future, depending on other projects.  For now, the site is simply available for your productivity pleasure.

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